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Secretary Pete Buttigieg chose South Bend’s Jefferson Blvd. Bridge to inspire his 2020 presidential campaign logo, representing his commitment to bridging old and new, young and old, heartland and coast.

His hometown landmark must take on an even deeper significance today, as Buttigieg took on the role of overseeing the bridges and roads of the entire country at just 38 years old.

“A new voice with new ideas, determined to move past old politics.”
President Joe Biden

Making history as one of the youngest, and the only openly gay, Cabinet members wasn’t enough.

Secretary Buttigieg is also responsible for one of the most significant investments in America’s tunnels, bridges, rails, roads, ports, and travel hubs in more than half a century. Nearly 900,000 jobs will be generated by 2025 from the $560 billion influx of cash.

Most importantly, Secretary Buttigieg is directing these resources to the rural and working-class voters that he served in the first place.